Thursday, June 14, 2012

And so it begins...

I am sitting her in Burlington, Vermont going through the million things I have on my mind, including the wedding we are here for this week.  It kept coming to mind that I still had not created a blog for the new website.  Hounded by all of the recent uproars about how effective having a blog is for your web presence: it just seemed prudent to create one.  As is always the case with me, I obsess with such things until I just make the decision to dive right in.  Time is usually the handicap, but if I waited until I had time to do everything I did, I would never do anything.  So here it is, brand spanking new.  The challenge her it to keep it up.  It won't be from lack of events or subject matter, just as previously mentioned .....time.  

I encourage all of you to spend the necessary time for all things.  From your work, to your family, to your worship, passions and hobbies.  We never seem to have enough time to do all the things we want to or ought to, and of course never enough time to spend with those we care for and love.  In fact we do have time, we just don't prioritize things the way we should.  If I didn't put things into a proper prioritization I would never get anything done.  With shooting, editing, designing, communicating, and all of the other things that go along with running a successful business I would never sleep if it were not for all the little lists and organization that I employ to keep me straight.  Look at your time management and see if you can't wrangle a way to get more done, especially when it comes to spending time with those that you love.  Those are the priceless moments in life that shouldn't be rushed.  

Now the kicker.  Please take the time to check out my new blog from time to time!  You see, I am going to take the time to write it, so I just expect you to take the time to read it.  I will feature weddings, portrait sessions, hints, tips, and a wide variety of other things to stimulate your eyes and mind.  After all, that's what a photographer does.   I will also be happy to answer any questions you might have about certain subjects, so don't be afraid to shoot me a message and ask away!

God Bles you all, and I will see you again soon!